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Rescued The Homeless Bridlings
Rescued The Homeless Bridlings

Being a member of VANASEVA WhatsApp group, I have seen one message about chopping the trees and throwing down of nests of storks in Nalgonda Town. The person who posted these pics and videos was crying for the birdlings who have become homeless. Then, I enquired with the person namely Suresh Guptha and came to know about the tragic incident. Immediately, I requested our WSOTRUST to sanction Rs. 5000/- for rescue operation. Then, I called District Fire Officer Sri. Jnana Narayana and requested to rescue these birdlings. He has sent 2 firemen for the rescue operation. Then, I called Rajasekhar Reddy, SI, Nalgonda Rural with a request to support these Firemen and Suresh Gupta. He has immediately sent Mr. Anjaneyulu, PSI(fortunately he belongs to recent SIs’ batch - 2020) and 2 PCs to the spot. All together they rescued the homeless birdlings. Firemen brought plastic net and laid on the chopped trees and branches to protect the nests from snakes and insects. Later, Suresh Gupta brought fish pieces and earthworms to feed the nestlings. Though the parents were worried searching, these birds had wonderful meals. The rescue team took further safety measures and warned the inmates of the colony not to touch them. Anyhow, tragically around 30% of fallen birdlings lost their lives due to the cruelty of human beings. In this rescue operation, Fire Department responded in a great manner and Police supported them all the way. Suresh Gupta faced a grueling situation during the entire episode. Kudos to TEAMWSO for donating Rs 5000/- and lot of appreciations to SURESH GUPTHA JI. Special Thanks to Sri Jnana Narayana, DFO, Nalgonda District and his firemen, Rajasekhar Reddy,SI, Anjaneyulu, PSI, PCs of Nalgonda Rural Police Station. ???????????? Giridhar Ravula, SP(NC), RBVRR TSPA.

22.07.2022, 16:53
Category: Environment
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Views: 208

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